Bani Sadr
Bani sadr (Persian: ابوالحسن بنیصدر; 22 March 1933 – 9 October 2021) was an Iranian politician and writer who served as the first president of Iran 1980 until his impeachment by parliament in 1981. Prior to his presidency, he was the minister of foreign affairs in the interim government. He had resided for many years in France where he co-founded the National Council of Resistance of Iran.Following his impeachment, Banisadr fled Iran and found political asylum in France. Banisadr later focused on political writings about his activities during the Iranian revolution and his critiques of the Iranian government. He became a critic of Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei and the country's handling of its 2009 elections.
Genre: Documentary
Country: Iran
Release: 2023-03-03
Quality: HD
Rating: 0
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